Roundup of Lambeth Estate Walkabout – 25.09.2024

Lambeth hosted an estate walkabout on Wednesday 25th September 2024.

The purpose of the walkabout was to discuss communal maintenance issues across the estate, specifically external and internal cleaning (including weeding and bins).

Rhys our Housing Officer for Estates and Nasreen the contract manager for Serco and Pinnacle will attended, alongside representatives from Serco (external cleaning), Pinnacle (internal cleaning), and Lambeth Landscapes (grass cutting and leaf collection).

PRERA was also in attendance with a collated list of issues raised by residents.

The walkabout lasted 3 hours and was productive, if challenging at times!


  • It was noted that it had taken the arrangement of this meeting request by PRERA to achieve the weeding of hard services that Serco is meant to be doing as per their contract. They hadn’t weeded for at least 18 months previously.
  • It was noted by Nasreen from Lambeth (Contractor Manager for Serco) that Serco are failing on contract delivery every month, though she seemed unable/unwilling to find a solution.
  • Bins and litter issues were raised with Nasreen from Lambeth (Contractor Manager for Serco), including the misinformation on bins on Coburg Crescent. Bins for these properties DO NOT need to be placed in front of properties.
  • The Ponton House garage issue with waste water was raised with Jason Welch from Lambeth Community Works Team.
  • The Despard House garage water leak issue was raised with Jason Welch from Lambeth Community Works Team.
  • Ground reinstatement after major works was raised.
  • Leaking gutters on walkways was raised with Jason Welch from Lambeth Community Works Team.

Minutes for the meeting are available on request if you would like find out more. Please email for more information.