Bushell Close Heating and Hot Water System

Bushell Close heating upgrade installed a new communal boiler and distribution system to the properties on Bushell Close. It was completed in March 2021 and the work was carried out by Lambeth’s capital projects team.

Lambeth policy only require 1 year warranties (utter madness), which has expired, and any servicing work is now carried out by OCO.

The Heat Interface Units (HIUs) in each property are serviced as part of the long term service agreement with OCO. Each HIU is serviced annually and the service is usually completed in a few hours. The cost of the HIU’s annual maintenance is included on Service Charge Bill for leaseholders.

Many residents received an annual service in 2022 and 2023, but we have received reports of no attendance in 2024. If anyone on Bushell Close (tenant or leaseholder) didn’t have their system serviced in 2024 you can use this email to get in touch and book an appointment: llhp@ocoltd.co.uk

The Lambeth Homeowners Guide states the following in relation to communal heating systems: “If your home has a communal heating and hot water system, we’ll carry out repairs and maintenance to it”.

Any repair works to the communal heating and hot water system would normally be carried out by OCO Lambeth’s long-term service contractors. Issues with heating and/or hot water should be raised via Lambeth’s call centre. There will not be a charge for OCO to attend and for subsequent follow on works unless you request some alterations.

Lambeth advised “Lambeth do not normally allow other contractors to work on the system as it belongs to Lambeth and any requests for any alterations such as moving a radiator should be requested via home ownership.”