Autumn Day roundup
PRERA held out Autumn Day on Saturday 2nd of October. Thank you to all the residents who came out to help improve our estate!
We took delivery of a trug of bulbs and tools facilitated and funded by Incredible Edible Lambeth (IEL). Thea from IEL joined us to help with our planting session – There were over a thousand bulbs to plant! A mix of daffodils, tulips, anemone, forbesii, and muscari will brighten up our estate when they flower next spring.
PRERA and residents also tidied up our planters ready for winter, and extensively litter picked and tidied the bins areas across the estate.
Gardening group update
There’s been lots of hard work going on in the background too by our gardening group on proposals for funding to improve the green space of our estate.
Nature in Towns and Cities – Lambeth funding application
PRERA was invited to participate a meeting with Lambeth alongside other community parks and estate groups to discuss an expression of interest for a large funding application – the ‘Capacity Building bid’ – to the ‘Nature in Towns and Cities’ from the National Lottery. The National Lottery Heritage Fund, funds a broad range of projects that connect people and communities to the UK’s heritage, including a nature category; works to improve habitats or conserve species, as well as helping people to connect to nature in their daily lives.
PRERAs gardening group are very proud to have been identified as a “newer housing nature group making a great impact” and invited to attend along side representative from FO Clapham Common (a long established charity), Wild Clapham (a new charity), FO Windmill Gardens (more established staffed group with charitable status and much experience in this area), FO Kennington Park (more established group with charitable status and much experience in this area), Lambeth Friends of Parks network and FO is it Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens (Long established charity) and Incredible Edible Lambeth.
Inclusion in the potential bid will open up opportunities for funded improvements to the urban green space on our estate, and we hope PRERA will benefit from co-mentoring from the larger and more established groups involved in the consultation and application.
This is a large application in it’s development stage. We will update you as the bid progresses.
Community Garden Grant application
PRERA has submitted a funding bid to National Garden Scheme Community Garden Grants. We will find out in March 2025 if we are successful in our bid for approx £1.5k worth of equipment to support our community gardening. Equipment we would purchase if successful includes gardening tools as well other things that will support us to run sessions and build in time for people to get to know each other e.g. a walled gazebo and catering thermos to host tea breaks during gardening sessions.