Stage 2 complaint logged by PRERA against Serco

Serco is an external contractor with London borough of Lambeth, responsible for rubbish and recycling, litter and fly tipping, and grounds cleaning (including weeds hard services) on our estate.

Serco supply a street cleansing and an “expanded” recycling and reuse service, including the collection of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), batteries and textiles, and food waste collections. It is an output based contract with no specific schedule of maintenance. Lambeth engaged them in a borough wide 6 year deal in 2021 until 2027, but this could be extended up to a maximum of a further 8 years.

PRERA have logged a Stage 2 complaint against Serco with Lambeth for failure to deliver as per their contract. In particular we have highlighted the lack of any weeding of hard services in the last year and the awful state of the bins.

This is an ongoing borough wide issue – It is an open secret that Serco and failing to deliver on their contract and not responding to complaints. We are in contact with Lambeth Council, our Local Councillors, and are speaking to fellow Lambeth Residents Association representatives in the hope of joining forces in putting pressure on Lambeth and Serco.

We will keep you updated of any progress we make. If you think you can offer help in anyway please do let us know at