PRERA Annual General Meeting roundup

As an official Lambeth Residents Association PRERA are required to hold a yearly meeting of the members, to report on the year’s events, and elect our committee for the next year.

PRERA held it’s Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 10th September 2024 at the HIVE cafe and online.

The committee elections were overseen by John O’Reilly, the Resident Participation Officer for Lambeth. The following residents were voted in for the executive roles:

  • Chair: Kush
  • Vice-Chair: Alicia
  • Treasurer: Julia
  • Secretary: Katie

The following residents were voted in as committee members:

  • Melissa (Area Board Representative)
  • David
  • Hugh
  • Rena
  • Rano
  • Jullian
  • Joely

Our Chair Kush presented PRERA’s achievements in our first year after re-forming in September 2023, including the Summer Community Day, the Bee Roads project, and much much more! Click back through our ‘News’ posts to see everything we’ve been up to in full.

We also discussed the longer term aims PRERA are working on – We have been busy working on a number of priority issues informed by our online survey and in-person workshop at the AGM in September 2023. Our Vice-Chair Alicia ran the same in-person workshop at the AGM this year, and (combined with on-going feedback from our feedback form) the priority of issues – as determined by resident feedback – is the same as last year.

Highest to lowest concern: 
1. Bins and rubbish collection, and support for community gardening work
2. Service charges and repairs
3. Vehicles and transport
4. Community gatherings

Signup to our monthly newsletter to keep up-to-date with how we’re getting on!

Thank you to all residents who attended and to our new committee members. If you couldn’t attend (or even if you did) and would like to see the minutes from the AGM please email