Our flowering meadow along Coburg Crescent is looking beautiful.
Flowers to look out for in the first year include colourful cornfield annuals like poppies, cornflower, and corn marigold. These will be followed by perennial wildflowers like wild carrot, ox-eye daisy, field scabious, greater and lesser knapweeds, meadow buttercup, and birds-foot trefoil.
Over 350 square metres of grass turf was removed this spring from an area running alongside the northern side of Palace Road Estate adjacent to the A205 South Circular (Christchurch Road). A layer of low-fertility soil and a seed mixture of perennial wildflowers, was added along with a ‘nursery crop’ of cornfield annuals to provide a splash of colour in the first year. The new meadows will be maintained with an annual cut and collection of the grass cuttings, offering a haven. for years to come.
Created by Lambeth Bee Roads (and facilitated by PRERA), we are grateful for the contributions from students from Streatham Wells Primary School, Orchard Primary School, and Hitherfield Primary School, who worked with a team of local freelance community educators to plant out wildflower seeds on the site.