We have just received notification from Lambeth’s Housing Services Resident Engagement Officer of this training that is available free of charge to residents:
Level 2 Scrutiny course starts 20th September for 12 weeks, 6-9pm at the Town Hall
- Gain a recognised qualification in the field of housing.
- Understanding of scrutiny in the housing service.
- Understanding of housing management performance information
- Appreciation of what is required in undertaking a scrutiny review of a housing service.
Level 2 Food Hygiene course scheduled for 26th September 10am-3pm at High Trees.
- Designed to help anyone who handles, prepares or serves food in the catering industry.
- Understand your legal responsibilities.
- Know what constitutes as best practice when it comes to controlling food safety hazards, temperatures, storage and much more
Level 3 Award in Education & Training Formerly known as PTTLS
- Starts 2nd October two days a week on Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10am-3pm for 7 weeks
- Short course designed to enable you to undertake teaching or training.
- Gain awareness of the key principles and practises of teaching and develop appropriate training skills.
- Perfect for all who are aspiring to teach, in further education, adult or community learning
Enrolments are scheduled for 10, 11 and 12 September from 10am – 3pm. Please contact High Trees on 020 8671 3132 or email mohammed.meho[at sign]high-trees.org to enrol.