Inside Housing Tenant and Resident Engagement Conference 2024

On Tuesday 14th May, PRERA committee members attended the annual Tenant and Resident Engagement Conference, run by Inside Housing magazine.

The one day event shared best practice on how landlords and tenants can achieve meaningful engagement which improves services, lives and communities.  Driving this important topic are recent changes to the laws which impact leaseholders and tenants living in flats owned by social housing landlords and freeholders.

Understanding the new legal landscape for leaseholders and tenants
If you live in a flat here on the Palace Road Estate, you might have heard some buzz about recent changes to housing laws. These changes are significant, aiming to provide better protections and more rights for residents like us. So, let’s break it down:

1. Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Act 2022

First up, the Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Act 2022. This is big news for those of you who own leasehold properties. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Ground rent reduction: For new leases, the act sets ground rents to zero. Yes, you read that right—zero! If you’re buying a new leasehold flat, you won’t have to pay any ground rent.
  • Existing leases: Unfortunately, this doesn’t automatically apply to existing leases. However, it’s a step towards a fairer system and could pave the way for future reforms.

2. Building Safety Act 2022

Safety is a top priority, and the Building Safety Act 2022 addresses just that. This act was introduced following the Grenfell Tower tragedy, and its implications are crucial for those of us in social housing. Key points include:

  • New safety standards: Enhanced safety standards for buildings, especially those over 18 meters high.
  • Accountable persons: Building owners must appoint an “Accountable Person” responsible for safety, ensuring regular checks and maintenance.
  • Resident’s voice: You’ll have a stronger voice in safety matters. Under this law, building owners are now required to listen to and address safety concerns raised by residents.

3. Social Housing (Regulation) Bill

For those living in flats owned by social housing landlords, the Social Housing (Regulation) Bill is particularly relevant. This bill aims to improve the quality of social housing and ensure that landlords are held accountable. Here’s a summary of the key points to be aware of:

  • Enhanced regulation: The Regulator of Social Housing now has more power to enforce standards and take action against non-compliant landlords.
  • Transparency and accountability: Landlords must be more transparent about their performance and provide clear information to tenants.
  • Tenant satisfaction measures: Introduction of tenant satisfaction measures to ensure that your voices are heard and acted upon.

4. Rights for leaseholders: Cladding and major works

Lastly, if you’re concerned about cladding and the costs of major works, there’s good news. Recent updates have provided more support for leaseholders facing these issues:

  • Funding for cladding removal: Government funds have been allocated to help remove unsafe cladding from buildings. This means less financial burden on leaseholders.
  • Cost protections: New measures protect leaseholders from excessive charges for major works related to building safety.

So, how do these changes affect us here on the Palace Road Estate?  Honestly, we’re not quite sure of the specifics yet.  After the conference we asked Lambeth to advise on changes they have implemented in light of the legal changes and how we can support improved transparency and accountability.  However, we’re still awaiting their response…

But you’ve told us that you’d like more information and clarity around repairs, service charges and major works and it’s encouraging to see these being addressed within the law.  Nonetheless, our voice is louder if we’re organised and can speak to Lambeth as a group in both safety and general housing matters.  We want to be in contact with at least one member from every household on the estate, ensuring our concerns are heard and addressed.

We encourage all residents to stay informed about these changes and understand your rights.

Together, let’s continue to make Palace Road Estate a wonderful place to live! Stay informed and get involved!